In 2014, Our city experienced a snowstorm like never before. It was not the fact that the storm was so great, but the preparation was so bad. The city/state reacted instead of responding to the weather reports that snow was coming. They had word of the snow but did not respond. When you respond to truth, it inspires preparation for future events. But if you fail to respond, then you put lives in danger. Due to their lack of preparation, highways were parking lots, school children were stranded at schools, people filled the hotels, and a child was even born on the side of the road.
There will be times when storms will find their way into the life of the believer. These storms can’t be predicted nor orchestrated, they can only be expected. You see, it is not a matter of if the storm shall come, but when the storm will come. Even the best meteorologist can’t pinpoint the exact location and time of storms. They can only give us a close estimate. A pessimist will spend their time complaining about the storm. An optimist will convince oneself that the storm does not exist. But a God-fearing person will simply set their sails, prepare for the storm, and ride the storm out. Even though we can’t predict the storm, we can always be ready for the storm. When we are not prepared for the storms of life we experience chaos.
When storms come in your life, faith will carry you through. Don’t wait to get faith when you need faith. Remember, the storms in your life come for two primary reasons – For Perfection and For Direction. First of all, storms come to blow something into your life or out of your life. Storms will either add something to your character or blow some character flaws out. Secondly, storms will push you in the direction that God wants you to go. When it stormed in the city, we had to take some roads that we would not normally take. We had to go in a different direction than our normal route. This is what storms will do, it will get you off of your usual course. Therefore, just yield to the will of God and go in that new direction. But make sure you use your GPS (God Positioning System).